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Boka konsultation

Dizziness / Vertigo

  • EBC specialises in examination, diagnosis and treatment of complex functional deficits and symptoms occuring as a consequence of imbalances in the nervous system, muscles and joints.
  • It is not uncommon that EBC are referred patients who have seen up to 15 Medical doctors and/or other healthcare practitioners previously.
  • The examination is very thorough and highly detailed. It consists of cutting edge evidence-based objective diagnsotic tests to find the underlying cause.
Boka konsultation

Common Causes

  • Vestibular imbalance – Peripheral and Central
  • Vascular abnormalities
  • Metabolic abnormalities


Examination & Treatment

  • Commonly the patient has been to see the medical doctor to rule out any structural or pathological lesions before visiting EBC
    • If upon history and/or exam, pathology is suspected – the patient will be referred.
  • EBC are proud to offer groundbreaking and unique examination and treatment applications for functional nervous system deficits.
  • Examination is carried out with cutting edge evidence based objective diagnostic tests as well as a full neurological bedside exam in order to find the neurophysiological deficit.

How does it work?

What does the process look like? What are the steps? Is there anything I need to think about? Read about the acctual steps towards a better health here!

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Chiropractic Neurology

"Neuroplasticity is the brain and central nervoussystems ability to adapt, change and develop in response to stimulation and input from our environment" - Professor Carrick 1979

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